Tuesday, May 1, 2007

No Way To Treat A first Lady by Christopher Buckley
Our intrepid hero, Nick Naylor (from Buckley's Thank You For Smoking) returns, this time on the periphery as a starlet's publicist/handler. The story is really about the Trial of the Millenium, as the first lady has (maybe) killed her husband. Not as thought-provoking as Smoking, but a tasty little farce nonetheless, with all the backstabbing, government conspiracies, and punny headlines a girl could ask for.

Proof Positive by Phillip Margolin
I picked this up hoping for a trashy forensic-science thriller, but it was really more of a courtroom drama (and I always space out during those parts on SVU). Not bad, but the first 5 or so chapters introduce a new character and his/her point of view, and for me, that's a bit much. I like a strangers-lives-intertwine-unexpectedly kind of story, but in a mystery, I'd rather invest in one character's efforts to solve it. Good train or airport read though.

Break No Bones by Kathy Reichs
Ahh, there's my forensic thriller. Not very literary but delicious all the same. You've seen the TV show, but (obviously) the books are better. (I'll save the rant about movie adaptations for when Harry Potter comes out.) Anyway, this one focuses more on Brennan's relationships with Pete and Ryan (analogous to the David Boreanaz character) than on the science, which was too bad, because I like the science part a lot. Makes me feel smart to read about foramens and processes, you know. But, still good.

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